Thursday, March 31, 2022

We are Home March 31


When we left Cedar Rapids heading towards Sarnia we decided to take a small side trip to Middlebury Indiana to visit the factory that built the Gypsy Wagon. The slide out has been problematic since we bought it. When we were on our first trip we had the control module exchanged in Arizona , and then some roller alignment work when we got home in the spring. When I picked it up from the dealer I still wasn't happy with it, and bet him $50.00 that it had not been repaired properly. 

All through the trip we worried that it might get stuck extended, on one of our of the beaten path adventures. I had made a commitment that it was going to be properly fixed regardless of the cost when we got home. We felt that if we visited the factory we would get some one to explain what had to be done and how to go about it, as it has been off warranty since last September.

We dropped in unannounced and a service tech came to look at it within about half an hour. As we were walking to look at it he told me that they would not be able to repair it until a later date but he would have a look at it. My answer was that I was not expecting it to be fixed on the spot, I just need to to know what was need to be done, and then I would take it from there.

He looked at it from the out side and and immediately said that the track system had not been properly repaired.  When we went inside and extended the slide out it made an awful racket, even more than normal. Upon examination he said that both the control module and the motor and track system had been upgraded since the unit had been built, and they all needed replacing. 

They took all the unit information, and returned later to advise us that it was no longer under warranty but they possibly could order the parts to be delivered the following day and they could install them the day after, and were we interested in getting a quote for the work?  We agreed immediately to getting the quote. They close at 3:oo for the day , about 2:30 the service rep came and said that the quote wasn't quite ready but hopefully with in half an hour or so, as they were trying to get some good will money to cover part of it.

Around 3:30 we were told that they would cover 100% of the cost. We were ecstatic as now we felt it would get done properly and save us 2 or 3 thousand dollars. They have a place for their customers to park with complementary hookups while their units are being serviced.

That evening we decided to go out for supper to celebrate our good fortune and low and behold the slide out would not retract.  It was like having a heart attack in the emergency ward at the hospital, could not have it happen at a better place.

We were stuck with the slide out in the out position until they came to pick it up at 6:30am on the service day. They drove it to the shop with the slide out extended.  By 1:30 they had it completed and returned to us in perfect order at no charge.  

I was so happy I did a happy dance for them in the middle of the service area.

We had a wonderful trip but this was the perfect end to it as it was a worry that had been hanging over us for most of the trip.

That afternoon we drove to Sarnia and then completed the trip home on Thursday March 31. 

The total trip was 14,928 kilometers over 88 days. Big gas bill but a long trip . The fuel bill was just slightly less than 50% of our total expenses. As for the other expenses it is less expensive to travel than it is the live at home.  Discovering Mexico was worth every penny.


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