Friday, March 25, 2022

The Colorado Rockies March 24

 We traveled today from the dusty Utah desert, over the snow covered Rockies into the rolling Colorado farmland, a very interesting and picturesque road as compared to the Texas Oklahoma route we normally take. This route is appropriate in good weather but would not be any fun at all in winter conditions.

Not a good picture, but that is the Colorado River right beside the highway. We followed
 it for miles and miles, I still find it incredible that this is what feeds Lake Powel and the
 Hoover Dam and all the farm land in Arizona, and California. We were not able to get a
 picture of them but there were fly fishermen fishing with waders in some places
We did some serious climbing today, I have never had the gypsy wagon at 4000 rpms and only
doing 50 mph before.

It is a long time since we have seen a forest

We passed through many of the famous ski resorts, Snowmass, Vail, plus others

We even got to see the red rocks at one place that we have grown so used to seeing

Once we passed through Denver we were into farming country, with many huge dairy farms.
The average Colorado dairy farm has 680 cows. We passed many , but one farm was over a mile
 long of just penned cows.

Beef farming as well on some of the poorer land 

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

That was quite the geography lesson! So, you saw a mile of penned cows - I assume milking cows; would the robotic milkers come to the cows or would the cows be moved?