Thursday, March 3, 2022

Ensenada March 2

Ensenada has a population of 350 ,000. This is the first place we have been that has all of the 
Major Stores. Costco, Home Depot, Walmart. etc. 

Amanda. the very nice lady who owned the RV park where we staying told
 us about the town down the road called Valle Tranquillo, where there  were
 so many beautiful stones.   Because of her limited English and our even more
  limited Spanish we thought they were on the beach. When we got there they
had already  been picked from some where, we couldn't find. 

We never found out where they were coming from but they sure had lots. They were sold for landscaping décor.

All a long this section of the coast there are miles and miles of green houses. 

This is also a major wine growing area

There are no leaves yet, but in many of the vineyards the workers were pruning and preparing them 
for the new season

Pictures just cannot do justice to this area, very mountainous with deep valleys, and much greener 
than the other areas we have been in. The baja is one long mountain range with beautiful coast lines. 
There is no flat land at all that we have seen

It's hard to see but in the center of this picture those are vineyards 


1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Seeing all the greenhouses made me think of the produce from Mexico which we have in our grocery stores. Not that it all comes from the far north west corner of the country; however, that is a very long way from Ontario.
If grass doesn't grow for landscaping, lawns, etc., I suppose small stones can be a useful substitute. It would be interesting to learn where they come from.
Would the closeness to California be one reason for the big box stores and a large population to be in Ensenada? Do you think residents of the communities where you've been the last couple of weeks would shop in Ensenada?