Wednesday, March 23, 2022

On the way to the Arches National Park March 22

We finally got to leave St George. We had been waiting around for a cable for Rose's Dr Ho that had broke a couple of weeks ago; after a couple of attempted repairs we gave up and ordered a new replacement cable, It took 9 days for it to come from Georgia to the Post office in St. George. 
I guess Amazon has spoiled us as 9 days seems like a long time to get a parcel delivered these days.

The trip took us through a wide variety of terrain, this is quite typical of the St George area

Later it got we got into the flat valleys between the mountains with large dairy and beef 

Back into more desert areas
Some very spectacular cliffs

When we got to around 7000 feet there was light snow cover in places. The temperature 
ranged from 6 to 15 degrees depending upon what elevation we were at.

In one area we drove what appeared to be down hill for about  6 miles although the engine
was down a gear all the time. It was really confusing , until we started following a stream
 along the road that was also running up hill. I guess there is more than one magnetic hill 
in the world. Fascinating to see this for such a long time. 

Our campsite in the BLM about 10 miles outside the park 
38.746376, -109.732314


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