Monday, March 14, 2022

St George Utah, Mormon Education March 14


St George Utah

62% of the 3.1 million residents of Utah are Mormons, 68% of St George is Mormon, and 80% of St George votes republican. Non Mormons complain about the Mormons being racist against the non Mormons. In the election of the mayor at least one candidate ran on the platform of being a non Mormon, as one Mormon when interviewed on the subject explained, Mormons are educated and taught the good life from a very early age , so when you want to hire a tradesman a Mormon tradesman will be more trust worthy. ( In Mexico they used a different term for this, one street vender when doing his pitch would say, come to my booth, we  cheat less.)

The city of 100,000 is very clean and modern with super wide streets, 90 feet wide, apparently they were designed this wide in the 1800's so you could turn your team of horses around in the middle of the street.

The museums, and points of interest, are all free to visit, as they are mostly promoting the Mormon culture, and are staffed by young missionaries in training. 

Super wide streets, on one side street we saw a motor home with the slide out extended
 into the street and it didn't come close to interfering with the traffic

It is spring in Utah, 20 degrees plus during the day and around plus 2 to 6 at night.

The new city hall, one super big building

Toronto has their moose, they have their buffalos

The Mormon church; when we entered there were 3 people waiting to give
 us a tour, and this isn't even tourist season

The temple

Built in 1860. it is now under renovation for the third time. This was the first temple completed,
 in 1860, Salt lake City started construction in 1840, but wasn't completed until 1890.

Brigham Young's winter home, he stayed here while he was supervising
 the building of the temple. 

The right part of the house was added on after he purchased it, it only had 3 bedrooms,
one for the gardener, ??? one for his wife, and one for himself. I didn't ask,  but wondered
 what a guy with 56 wives was doing with a three bedroom house.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Lovely to see trees in blossom.
I guess the 'walk lights' are longer than usual with such wide streets.