Friday, March 4, 2022

La Bufadora March 3

One of the main tourist attractions in Ensenada is La Bufadora. It is the second largest in the 
world, the largest is in Hawaii. The waves push water and air into an underground cave that
 has a hole in the top. After enough waves have splashed up against the entrance. the water and
 air build up a pressure that explodes with the water shooting up to one hundred feet in the air. 


It is really a tourist trap like Niagara Falls. They bring in busloads from the cruise ships
and from the hotels. There is about half a kilometer of shops like this trying to sell
you everything. 



Lera Ryan said...

The bufadora/geyser/blowhole would be interesting to see.
These shops look like they are all open/exposed to the elements. Does that mean there is seldom any rain?

Bob said...

I will answer that comment in my next post. Very interesting comment.

Lera Ryan said...

Thanks for the answer to my question!