Tuesday, March 1, 2022

San Quintin Ceilito Lindo Feb 28

Now a visit to the Pacific Ocean


Catavina is a very small community with one Hotel and a whole lot
of small local business. We should have taken a day off and walked
 into town for lunch. It is real small town Mexico

This was probably the most interesting stretch of road so far. Many kilometers of
very narrow mountainous roads, with drop offs and no guard rails. There is only
 one way to navigate these roads. They are designed for large transports to meet,
even B trains. When you meet you make sure that your right side is on the white
 line on your  right side, and forget about every thing else. You cannot worry or
 even think about the other vehicle you are meeting. If both people do this there
 is a at least a foot between the mirrors. Don't worry be happy and drive on!!

We had just been commenting that so far on our trip we had not seen any food production
and all of a sudden in a valley near El Rosario there was about ten kilometers of these fields.
 At least some of them were strawberries.

When we arrived in San Quintin there were a few hundred acres of these green houses. 
 One side of the road seemed to be all tomatoes.

These were berry plants out of season
An then we were on the beach. There was a surprise for us just over those dunes

Seventeen kilometers of ocean beach at 25 degrees and almost no breeze.
We  found a second heaven.

This picture might look odd, because it is so blown up but this was a guy digging clams, 
he would wait for the waves to do the work and then he would dig them with his fork in the sand

We waited for him to come to shore and show us his catch, he sells those giant clams
 for about sixty cents a piece on the beach

We took this picture later, his work was done and he was going home with two big bags full
 and of coarse his buddies.

We are about a five minute walk to the beach.
100 pesos a night (six dollars) with fantastic internet.

Happy hour at the bar with Jerry and Terry from Bouse AZ.
They would agree that they were red neck Trumpers. 


Lera Ryan said...

And where were all the tourists/people with the miles and miles of beautiful beaches?
That 'highway' looks like it's built for the adventurous folks.

Bob said...

There are very few tourists. We are told that the Baja may have 10% to 20% of normal. Travel has not returned to normal.
All of the people on the beach were locals.