Saturday, March 12, 2022

Valley Of Fire March 12

The view from out front window this morning, The snow covered mountain is in the
 direction of Las Vegas, not sure of the name. It was a beautiful 20 degrees
 during the day but only plus 2 at 6 am.

Planning the day

Pictures don't really do a good job of showing the scenery, but here are a few 

These 3 cabins were built by the CCC (the Civilians Conservation Corp) in 1935, to shelter campers and travelers.


Some pictures from the 3 hikes we did 

We are 50 feet from the edge and it is more than 50 feet straight down to the bottom of the ravine



Lera Ryan said...

Awesome rock formations. I see a path/trail in a couple of pictures, also people walking on rocks. I expect there aren't trail markers. How do you find your way home?

Bob said...

Actually you are supposed to stay on the trails, they are clearly marked, and in most cases the visitors do stay on the trails. In a couple of the areas there were wide open spaces of pretty smooth rocks and visitors walked on them but that was really the exception to the rule.