Sunday, February 9, 2020

Feb 8 Hiked the Rockhouse , Butler Canyon Loop

We did a 10.3 mile (17.25 klm ) hike with a group. We met in the BLM just past Pegleg at 9 am. Since we didn't have a 4x4 for the one hour trip to the start of the actual hike we hopped on with Shelly who lives here in Borrego Springs. The 19 hikers plus 2 guides hiked from 10 until 4 through Rock house Canyon over the top of the mountain and returned by Butler Canyon and then drove another hour back to the start. Some how I forgot  to bring my camera for what was the best hike we have done to date. The guides were able to identify many of the different plants as well as give us some history of the area. It has been inhabited since about 1100 AD.  We also found parts of skeletons of Big horn sheep along the way.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Big hiking day! You guys must have awesome leg muscles! It would be nice to join a group and learn the history.