Monday, February 17, 2020

Feb 17 Lost Palms Oasis

The Lost Palms Oasis was an 7.8 mile (13 klm) hike but probably the most interesting that we have done so far. We carry a booklet with us to help identify the wide variety of  plants and flowers.  The hike took us from 3000 to 3500 feet in elevation so the blooms are not as advanced as they were in Anza-Borrego where we were at only 500-1000 feet.

The start of our hike on a sandy path

The trail took us on a winding path through the small washes 

These giant rocks seemed out of place as most of the area was mostly just a rugged  mountain with smaller rocks

Fascinating what 1000's of  years of weather and earthquakes can do to rock formations

That is the trail ahead winding through hills, all the way to the top

a narrow box canyon for a quarter of a mile

after the canyon another climb

looking back on the trail

The trail took us down to the bottom of the narrow canyon ahead

the view from the top before we descended to the oasis


Lera Ryan said...

That's quite the trail! Interesting rock formations. I'm guessing you don't meet many hikers on such a trail!

Bob said...

I would say we met 2 or 3 dozen. Lots of University age , because of Presidents day. Maybe 1/3 were senior snowbirds