Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 28 Lone Pine

When they built the aqua duct  to Los Angeles they lowered the water level significantly in this area and what you see is a salt flat  where the water was removed. Water supply is a huge problem in California. Most people are reluctant to discuss it

closer look at the salt flat

A herd of beef cattle. First time we see cattle since we left the southern part of the state

We are not in Alabama. This area was named after a war ship

We are in the Alabama Hills at the foot of Mount Whitney

This rock was very unusual as they never allow any graffiti . 

the view from our window when we got up in the morning


Lera Ryan said...

There are beautiful skies above the mountains in all of your Lone Pine photos.

Was it obvious where the beef cattle would get water? I can see they are fenced off from what looks like water - maybe it really is a salt flat. it's difficult to imagine much protein available for them from that terrain.

I love the face painted on the rock next the camper, where graffiti isn't allowed!

Shayne said...

very nice scenery.

Bob said...

I think they should use this for salted beef like we had salted pork before freezers were available to everyone . LOL