Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Feb 11 Hiked Hell Hole Canyon

Hell Hole Canyon hike is a 7.3 mile (12.2 klm) from the visitors center to the oasis at the top and back. 

The start of the hike is pretty easy and the shrubs are just getting ready to bloom. We are starting to know the names of quite a few.

The sign on these rocks reads " They didn't bring enough water"

A maple tree
The maple tree is certainly not the same size or shape as we have at home but there it was. Last years leaves were still on the ground dry and crisp.

A maple leaf in the desert
The 1st mile or so was pretty easy but then there was a lot of  rock climbing
at one point you had to crawl through this hole. the only way forward

The climb was worth it. The waterfalls on the right in the picture were about 20 feet high and mostly covered with vines.
I would imagine that this would be a great spot to be in the evening or at night when all of the animals would come to drink

This was the canyon as you looked down on it

Another picture of the canyon as we were coming down , but at a lower level.


Lera Ryan said...

How neat to see a maple tree and a perfect maple leaf on the ground! The rocks and the waterfall remind me of the Bruce Trail in places; the canyon does not!

Bob said...

I am amazed how interesting desert hiking is, originally I thought it would be quite boring and all the same but there is a huge variety of plants and shrubs.
We bought plasticized booklets that we carry at all times to help us identify them