Thursday, January 30, 2020

Jan 31 Aqua Caliente

Jan 30
Went to Aqua Caliente. It is a state park operated unit within the Anza-Borrego state park. It has hot springs and a rv park. There are 2 pools with the water supplied by the hot springs. A kiddy’s pool 2.5 feet deep, an outdoor pool with water at  around 80 degrees and an other pool that was 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

They have hiking there as well so we did a hike and then relaxed in the afternoon in the hot spring pool. 

checking the map as we work through this narrow gorge

at this very narrow spot on the trail there was a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the path. The result was this growth of bushes on both sides that you walked under

a chuparosa plant 

a desert snowman. Some one in Aqua Caliente had put this in their garden 


Lera Ryan said...

Awesome photos from the last few days. Interesting to see new plants. I have lots of the well-trimmed palm trees around me this week. The hiking trails look challenging - good for developing leg muscles!

Bob said...

Hi Lera
Not only muscles, good cardio as well.