Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jan 26 Hiking in Mountain Springs Camp

Jan 26
Hiked to Bow Willow camp site and Back . Took us a bit longer than it should have as about a mile up we missed a turn and the wash brought us back to the start of our hike. Altogether we hiked for about 3½ hours. We don’t have any cell service at this site so in the afternoon we drove down the highway until we got a few bars and stopped on the side of the road and sent out some messages to let everyone know we were all well.

When you hike in the washes every once in a while you come across a palm grove that has survived because there is a little bit of water coming out of the mountain

looking down on the valley from the palm grove


K McC said...

Not sure if your are still in Barrego Springs. We know a couple from Canmore (Graham and Peggy Locke) that overwinter there. You may be in the same campground! They are "extended stay" visitors (2-3 months) so they could be elsewhere.

Hoe you are enjoying the trip!


Lera Ryan said...

(Belated) Happy Birthday wishes, Rose Ann. Hope you had a pleasant day!
(I'm writing this Wednesday - a rainy day in Miramar Beach, FL.)

Bob said...

Hi Kevin

We will be going back to Borrego Springs iwithin the next week or so. Any way that we could contact them?