Sunday, February 6, 2022

On the road again Feb 6

 It has been 10 days since we returned to Yuma, Rose has recovered from her second bout of covid and our feet are getting itchy, so tomorrow we will be crossing the border into Mexico.  Having covid here or at home doesn't make any difference except here she was able to enjoy the warm weather during her recovery. We are ready; Mexican car insurance is bought, $395.00 US for 30 days,$430.00 for 90 days, and under $500.00 for 6 months. We also had to buy a tourist visa for $30.00 per person good for 6 months.  It will be about an hour and a half to the border at Mexicali and then another 2 hours to San Felipe. After a month in the desert , it will be fun to enjoy the sandy beaches along the Sea of Cortez. 

Spending 10 days in one location has been very different for us but very enjoyable as we have made friends that hopefully we will stay in touch with for years to come.

The view from our bunk window every evening

David and Cynthia from Lynhurst Ontario   ( Kingston)

Judes and Josee   
 their address is the world , they live full time on the road, but have a postal address in Ascot Quebec

Address the world . She has been living full time on the road , but originally from Cincinnati  Ohio

Ron and Eady  from Kamloops British Columbia on their daily walk

Cooking supper on the outdoor fire for the group

There is always a clown in every crowd

Supper with David and Cynthia

A group of  neighbors enjoying the evening

Taken from the roof of the Gypsy Wagon, an over view of the rest of the area where we were camped

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

I'm pleased that Rose Ann is ready to travel.
Safe & happy travels. Enjoy the new areas.