Thursday, February 10, 2022

Puertecitos to Guerrero Nergro Feb 9


We have now crossed to the Pacific Ocean side; when we leave here we will go back to the east coast but there is only one road. There is no highway that follows the Sea of Cortez coast all this stretch

As we climbed to higher elevations there definitely was more green. Notice how there is no shoulder on the side of the road in many places.

Here comes the big boy with no road shoulder

His left front tire is tracking the white line on the shoulder, and look at his rear tires. I am the same width . It works perfectly but stay focused

Then we deal with a cyclist. There is a bit of a shoulder here but he passed the section with no shoulder. Not sure what happens to two transports and a bicycle on a hair pin turn.

Crossing through the mountains

Baja is divided into Baja Nor and Baja Sur. We are now in Baja Sur

BBQ sea bass from this mornings catch. Just reward after 6 hours of driving


Lera Ryan said...

Wow ..... good driving skills required! One would not want to be sightseeing along the drive. It looks like a breakdown along the road would likely stop or block traffic. This looks like a 'major' road on my map- ?
The BBQ bass looks good.
Take care!

Bob said...

There are only 2 roads that go down the peninsula, #5 on the sea side and # 1 on the ocean side. You do not have a choice. In some cases they become the same road. We did encounter one break down and the police came by and directed traffic around the broken down vehicle that had to be left in the center of the lane as there was no place to pull off.