Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Playa de Santispac Feb 13 -15

 Playa de Santispac has to be the nicest place we have ever camped. 
200 pesos a night. $10.00 us or $13.00 Canadian

this is what we woke up to every morning

The mornings were generally pretty quiet , but around 11 AM the breeze would get up and cool down the 28 to 30 degrees

The pictures below are from our hike around this hill

The beach is completely surrounded by mountains. 
 This is a picture of the the beach we camped on from one of our hikes

Early morning hike for an overview of the beach

This beach is called sea shell beach about a 3 or kilometer walk from our beach.
The ground is completely covered with sea shells

Fresh scallops bought from a fisherman on the beach

This land in this area is owned by the Indians, but money talks.
There are 3 houses in this group at the end of the beach 

The gates were normally closed to these houses but one morning they were open
 and I stepped inside and took this picture. That is a real whale skeleton

The horse stable was much nicer than 90 % of the houses around

Our next door camper doing her morning yoga

Anna's bar where you could go to use the very slow internet for a few minutes.
 The internet might have been slow but the beer was only $1,50 Canadian 


LR said...

Great photos to show the area.
What do you do to stay cool when it's 30C?

Bob said...

It is amazing, how you stay cool. If you stay in the shade, then 30 degrees is very nice, or if there is a breeze, as there usually is it is also perfect.

Yesterday we camped in a palm covered campsite, at 20 degrees, and we were all wearing heavy sweaters. Most people were wearing winter jackets in the morning .