Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Mulege Feb 21

We needed a few groceries and supplies so we drove to Mulege  (pronounced  Mul eh hay) about 20 kilometer from our campsite. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and it was pretty quite. It has a population of 4000. The census says that it has 3000 catholic, 500 protestants, and 500 non denomination. 82% of Mexicans are catholic. I did not do a good job of taking pictures for some reason, in hindsight there could have been quite a few.  
We walked by a church full of people, all the doors were open,  and they were all singing , with their masks on.
We had lunch in the town square at an out door cafe; tacos and Horchata for $5.00. Horchata is a a traditional Mexican non alcoholic drink made from rice soaked in water , and flavored with sugar, cinnamon and nuts. The solids are strained out and it is served ice cold. They had a large glass container , about 5 gallons, on the counter and they ladled out a glass at a time making sure to leave the ice cubes in the large container. Delicious!

Entrance to the town. 

The trees and flowers are starting to bloom. In a couple of weeks the desert will start to bloom

The streets are super narrow. On one occasion we were meeting another full size vehicle
so we both stopped and edged by one another with our mirrors pulled in. There was no frustration,
just smiles, and macchias gracias with a wave when it was finished,

The old Spanish Mission built in the 1700's


1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

I'm pleased it was you - and not me - meeting the other full-sized vehicle on the narrow street!
Nice to see a blooming tree. It's snowing lightly here and I'm going for a group snowshoe this morning.