Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Playa Santispac to San Ignacio Feb 22


When you meet a vehicle with 4 way flashers you will usually find an animal, donkey, cow,
 or like this time a horse on or beside the road

I have more patients with donkeys than I have with cyclists on this road. 
Best RV park on the trip so far. No beach but as an RV park this was top notch

Under the palm tree, right beside the laguna

our sitting area

Our neighbors from France. The couple in the center (Neil and I don't remember her name )flew 
to La Pas and met Delores on the left. Delores is touring the mainland for 6 months
 and joined her friends for their visit to Baja.  They were so friendly and cheerful. 
It made our day.

Manuel runs this place an it shows his passion and love for it. He actually sweeps
 the road ways and picks up the fallen palms in the morning, Here he was dumping a bit
of gravel  to level  the roadway.  In the evening he comes around and knocks on your door
to see  if you want to buy any of his wife's home made date bread.

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