Wednesday, January 5, 2022

St Louis MO to Amarillo Texas Jan 5

St Louis Missouri  to Amarillo Texas

 To day was a long day but it will make tomorrow an easier day. I left early at 5:00 am and we only stopped twice for gas and once to pick up a coffee. Rose was able to catch some extra sleep while I was driving and then she drove for a while in the morning and again in the afternoon. You can sure cover a lot of distance when you have 2 drivers.

When we stopped for coffee we spotted a tire shop next door to the McDonalds  and they were kind enough to let us fill our fresh water tank from their garden hose. While filling the tank I chatted with the owner and asked him how everything was including what was happening with the virus. The told me last year was really bad and he lost a few of his friends to the virus but now they were learning how to live with it and to take some precautions to help stop the spread.  The best part was when he told me that he takes a small amount , maybe a 1/4 teaspoon of ivermectin to keep the virus away. This was the horse de wormer that Donald Trump was promoting along with his hydroxychloroquine. 

Most employees wear masks when serving customers but very few of the customers wear masks.  Most establishments have a sign at the door that states the federal position on masks. If you are not vaccinated you must wear masks, if you are vaccinated you are not required. No one checks. Since non vaccinated people generally do not want to wear masks, it ends up with almost no one wearing one.

At one point in time Oklahoma and Texas were known for there oil. As you drive along highway 40 for miles and miles all you see is windmills in every direction. 

Oklahoma is mostly rolling and rather poor quality land so most of it is used for cattle ranching in this area, and a bit of cotton near the Oklahoma , Texas border. Texas produces over 40 % of all the cotton grown in the USA.

Where ever they have cattle grazing they have dug ponds, may be an acre or two in size to water the cattle. They are man made and seem out of place as the land around them appears to very dry. 


Lera Ryan said...

Wow ... that is a long day ... for a holiday drive! I know you won't post a picture of the sunrise every day!
My friends Judy & Doug Galloway from Kimberley are/have been just ahead of you. They left home the same morning, and were in Albuquerque the night you were at Amarillo. They will be at Dead Horse Ranch State park for a couple of days until they go to their Air B&B at Black Canyon City.
Spring 2020 they sold their RV - very similar but a few feet shorter than Myron's & Ann's - and now have a small camper that fits/sits on/in the box of their pick up. Close quarters, worked well for summer camping, and they will live in a rental while they are staying in one place in AZ.
Enjoy your notes and oictures.

Bob said...

If they are ahead of us , I am sure they will stay ahead as we will be at a snails pace from here going forward. Good to hear from you.