Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Windsor to St Louis MO Jan 4

Windsor to St Louis Mo.

 We crossed the border around 7:15 am.  We had a really great agent ( around 40 years old) process us through the US customs. He asked where we were from , then if we were married , and for how long. We had a couple of  comments back and forth on that one.  We showed him the list of what we had brought with us for food etc. He asked where we were going and I said Arizona for a month, Mexico for a month, and then maybe take a month to come home. He requested to see the inside , he just stood inside at the door glanced around and returned to his cubical. He told us we were great to go and that one day he hoped that he could retire and and enjoy life like us. My comment was that I hoped he could, because it was a dream that was really worth working at. What a great way to start a trip.

Bit of snow cover similar to home in Michigan and Ohio and then pretty bare the rest of the way. It got up to plus 3 at one point and around  -6 last night.

We stopped just out side of St Louis for the night at a Home Depot.  

Big day tomorrow, hopefully Amarillo Texas tomorrow and Holbrook AZ on Thursday. Then it is slow down time

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