Sunday, January 23, 2022

Los Algodomas Jan 22

We picked up my teeth at 12.00 . About 15 minutes for a bit of final fitting and it was all done. So far they are really comfortable, no tender spots. Time will tell but I am really optimistic.

While we were sitting in the waring room we met a couple from Gogama Ontario (Sudbury area). They have travelled to Mexico by car three times so we were quite eager to hear about their adventures. They had traveled extensively throughout the mainland and only had good things to say about it. 
They recommended a Mexican restaurant down the street so we decided there was no better place to try out the new teeth.


A wood  fire and a grill made from rebar. 
The chicken was delicious

They even had a singing cowboy

Don and Helen Beauchamp , the couple we had met at the dentist turned up so they joined us.


One of the walks we often do is along the irrigation canal over to the next BLM camp site. Just out side of the camp ground is a VFM  hall. "Veterans of Foreign Wars"  It would be similar to our legion

Just out side the entrance is this tractor made out of beer cans

Every Saturday afternoon the music starts an a good crowd turns up for some country music and dancing.   They always look like they are having a great time

This camper was in the camp site at the FFW. Pretty cool. There is a stairs from the inside that takes you to the viewing area on the roof where you can sit to watch a concert or event. They were here 2 years ago as well. All the way from Alaska.


Lera Ryan said...

Nice to meet some 'locals' from Gogama.
Does the railing around the viewing area on the large trailer fold down for travelling? It must take a lot of power to pull that unit.
We're expecting more snow today. The snowmobilers will be happy. Most have been patient about waiting for the local trail to open. In the meantime, it's a good place to snowshoe!

Bob said...

I don't know if the railing comes down, but I would expect it to. I just thought it was a petty cool concept.

The cold weather must be setting records for January. I think it has been this cold on many occasions but probably not for so many days