Thursday, January 13, 2022

Phoenix Jan 12


The day started with breakfast at Waffle House. Top of Rose's to do list on every trip south.

We picked some oranges of a tree in the shopping center parking lot.  There are orange, and grapefruit trees planted all over through out the city.

We took the advantage of being in a big city and paid a visit, Best Buy, AT&T, CVS , Walgreens, Camping World, and Costco.
Rose need to replenish her potassium pills and we have been stopping at drug stores all along the way. Every one is sold out. We finally found them at CVS.

In Phoenix there is a large percentage of the people who are wearing masks. Up until now it was mostly the employees of the large corporations. Now it is is almost 100 percent of the employees, maybe 1/2 of the customers. You cannot get on a city bus with out a mask. The one interesting exception to the rule was camping world. No employees wearing masks. 

Not sure of the reason, but empty shelves were quite noticeable. Even at Walmart.  Not sure if it is logistics or staff. I overheard a conversation in a Walmart that they were trying to get staff from another store to solve the backlog on freight, so maybe it is staff shortages.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

I'm happy to hear more people are wearing masks.
It's a treat to be able to pick an orange off a tree beside you!