Friday, January 14, 2022

Pima Mountain Trail Jan 13

Pima Mountain Trail

It was sunny and 23 degrees, so a perfect day for a hike. We did the Pima mountain trail which gives  you  a view of Phoenix. There are trails all over this area, we only did 5 kilometers but there is probably close to 100 kilometers of trail in this area.

The buildings appear  much closer that they actually are as I zoomed  in a lot

The air pollution is quite high here. You can see the haze in the air.

There are about 200 golf courses in the Phoenix area.

The area also has a lot of mountain bike trails as well

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Guess the trails and the golf courses, as well as 23C, are great attractions. We had the 23C with a minus in front of it the last two mornings.
The sun is shining now and it is beautiful; it's warming up and I plan to try out my new snowshoes this afternoon.