Sunday, February 7, 2016

Monday Feb 1 2016
We went to visit the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg Tennessee. It was very informative and interesting. The distillery is in a dry county so the only place you can buy whiskey in that county is at their store. It is distilled from 80% corn, 12% barley and 8% rye. All Jack Daniels is made from this formula. The only difference is the aging , and the added flavours. Their barrels are only used once and then sold to other distillers around the world who use them to flavour their whiskey. All of the barrels are made there from maple.
We were not allowed to take any pictures inside of the distillery itself

They have 80 buildings to store whiskey , each holding one million gallons of Whiskey.

Main Entrance to the visitor center and store

Mr. JD himself, in life size , 5'2"
A demonstration model of the charcoal filtering

Inside of the visitor center

They have 80 of these buildings around the county. Each hold 1 million gallons.
The whiskey must be stored in one of these buildings for a minimum of 4 years

Burning 2x2x4' boards of local sugar maple to make charcoal. The fire is started with whiskey to
Preserve the flavour.

Visit the Jack Daniels website for more info

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