Saturday, February 13, 2016

Feb 5 Friday. Bourbon Street

Transportation in New Orleans doesn't work during Mardi Gras Shuttles from the KOA leave at 9 in the morning and return at 5:00pm. Buses don't operate when there are parades and there is at least one parade every day , some times two or three.  We camped in the Walmart Supercenter down town, about a 40 minute walk from Bourbon St. It was perfect. We spent the afternoon on Bourbon St. Came back for a while and then went to St Charles Street for the evening parade.  What an experience! This was just the craziest place you could be. Every one was walking around with a beer or a Mardi Gras drink of some sort. People were just acting foolish and having fun. You would have to be there to understand it.

Once you leave Bourbon St and start attending the parades it still has the same atmosphere but is more of a family event, Everyone turns up for these parades, many people told us that they had already been to half a dozen parades. As the floats pass every one tries to catch the beads and trinkets that are thrown in to the crowds. The goal is to try to get as many different items as possible. Every one goes to these parades, the whole family , even the kids in strollers.
This is an event that is part of the fabric of Louisiana much like the Glengarry Highland games or the Carp Fair.

This is an experience that you would have to be there to understand.

This was a banner that was leading a group women all dressed up in skimpy outfits
It says " Divine protectors of endangered pleasures"

The endangered pleasures
Every one in the parade hands out beads and trinkets

Lots of people dressed up as Elvis and other characters

just having fun

This couple were definitely in the party mood
I think there must have been a bankers convention ( check out the suits)
The people on the balcony might be staying in that building but the balconies are also rented out by the hour for people to party on.

Typical of a group that might be singing or playing music on a  corner

These ladies were all dressed for the occasion and just having fun

Even the Pope attended

Doesn't she have nice eyes?

The tin man in action
Part  of my collection caught from a balcony

The guys in suits are the sugar daddy's

What a place to people watch. 75% of the people are in costumes

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