Sunday, February 14, 2016

Feb 9 Mardi Gras parade pictures from various parades

This is a sampling of the floats and vehicles in the parades

This is a sample of the trinkets and beads that we collected at the parades. This is a one of each assortment , that probably represents about 10 -15% of the amount collected. We got rid of all of the duplicates.
Before the parades these busses travel around and throw a few things just to keep the crowd entertained. They usually travel around town from bar to bar so people can hop off and on and  enjoy the entertainment in various parts of the city.
For the parade in Houma we went a couple of hours ahead and parked the motor home in a parking lot of a store, ( 90% of businesses are closed that day). When we went to put out our lawn chairs we had to look for a space. By the time the parade started the route was lined up at least 10 or 12 deep.

these are just a sample of the floats

This family loaded their kids into the chicken . Dad pulling and mom pushing, with the kids throwing beads

This guy was dressed as Elvis

A few hours before a parade people come and set up their ladders so the kids can sit in the seat on top of the ladder . The adults then stand on the ladder to get a better view.

These guys were one of many musical floats
This was a group of guys all dressed as Elvis riding little bikes

This vehicle was a decorated hearse

Not a good picture but this is a group of shrines on motorcycles that that do a figure 8 as the parade progresses. 

There was a group that have these dune buggies and went into a couple of the parades we saw.

The horses were pulling a beautiful stage coach

This guy came prepared. He was using the net to catch the beads

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