Friday, February 17, 2017

Thursday Feb 16 2017 Calloway Gardens

Calloway Gardens was developed built by Cason J. and Virginia Hand Calloway . This was build as their get away in the mountains with money that they had made in the textile industry. Eventually they built it into a golf resort and convention centre. It is a beautiful property that would be outstanding in the summer time when in full bloom.

This is the church on the property that is used for weddings etc.

On of the stained glass walls. There are 4 panels of stained glass on the side wall. Each picture represents a season .

View of the lake from the church entrance

They put on a birds of prey demonstration


Old house on the property where  the family raised 13 children
The Cecil B Day butterfly center is on the property. (Founder of Days Inns)
Butter flies at their various stages of developement

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