Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sundy Feb 19 2017 Jimmy Carter Visitors center

Visited the Jimmy Carter Visitors center in Plains. It is located in the high school that both he and Rosalynn attended.  Each room is themed with a part of his life. School years, navy, governor of Georgia, president, Rosealynn, and a lot of space to his years after the presidency. A lot of effort to show him a as a normal person living in small town Georgia. He still teaches Sunday school 2 or three times a month . He has done amazing things with the Jimmy Carter foundation. There is a 45 minute video of his life. We missed getting to meet him as we didn't know until to late that he was teaching Sunday school that day. You had to be there before 7:30 am to get into the church for the 11:00 service. After the service people line up to get their picture taken with him.

High School and now the visitors center and museum

The class room looked just like the one I went to school in
In a lot of the material you read he gives special credit to his teacher in this school 

A replica of the oval office

A lot of effort has been put into eradicating this disease by the foundation

Down town Plains

The famous election head quarters for his election campaign

inside the headquarters
They say the only reason this building was used as the head quarters was it was the only building in town with washrooms.

A lady in one of the stores gave us this stalk of cotton as a souvenir , because we asked her so many questions about it

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