Sunday, February 26, 2023

Feb 26 Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is a U.S. national monument and UNESCO biosphere reserve located in extreme southern Arizona that shares a border with the Mexican state 
of Sonora. The park is the only place in the United States where the senita and organ pipe
 cactus grow wild.

The park has numerous trails that you can hike as well as roads for vehicles.
We did the 20 mile loop on the right side.

For a desert, this was very green. Much greener than any desert area that we have been in before.

The organ pipe cactus
a closer view of the organ pipe cactus

A few miles before the entrance to the park there is a small town called WHY

Apparently it was at a Y in the road and when they built highway #85 they they had to come up with a name for the village. It had always been know as Y, but the rules were that the name had to have at least 3 letters, thus WHY

My good friend Gerry D always used to rag on me for saying "WHY" to every thing that was said. I couldn't pass up on this chance to have a souvenir of all of those conversations.
RIP my friend. 



Lera Ryan said...

Did you walk or drive the 20-mile loop? I've never heard of organ pipe cactus; it's good to see it. I suppose the green foliage means some moisture, which may make the organ pipe cacti taller than most cacti?? Neat story of how 'Why' got it's name!

Bob said...

We drove the 20 mile loop. It would be one super long walk for a young guy like me with all of the up and down through the mountains.