Sunday, February 26, 2023

Feb 24 Ajo AZ


. The population of Ajo is around 3500 and is  just 40 miles from the Mexican border. It has a very interesting town square and historic district. Great place to visit with lots of BLM land around it to camp and hike. It was built around the mining industry, at one time it had the third largest copper mine in the USA. To day the mine is closed.

entrance to town town square

originally a school , to day it has artistes work areas

3 nations market

view of the mountain from the town square

open pit copper mine, 1200 feet deep. The lake at the bottom is an additional 120 feet deep
the ore was hauled to the surface by trains that circled the interior of the pit as they made their way to the top.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Considering how old the community is, the buildings you show look quite modern, at least without ornamentation.
What are the 3 nations at the Market? I'm assuming US and Mexico; what is the third, or does that mean something else?
Interesting to think about a train circling the inside of that mine carrying ore to the surface. Is there really no fence around the top of the mine? Perhaps I can't see it or it doesn't show in the picture.