Friday, February 17, 2023

Feb 16 Saddle Mountain

 Saddle Mountain is on BLM land about 20 minutes west of Phoenix.  High of 24 degrees low of 10


Rose and Judes. Judes is travelling with us since we left Fortuna Pond. 

In this area of the mountains a lot of people come to collect rocks. 
The red part of this rock is a fire agate

A view from near the peak

We hiked this wash to get to the top

Spring has arrived ! When you look across the landscape you don't 
see many flowers, but when you walk there is a huge variety 

Barrel cactus

This guy was flying around. He must have been lost as we only saw one. 
There are not many birds around.

Rose and I hiked to with in about 50 feet of the top of this one.
The last 50 feet were pretty much vertical.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

I love the courage of those Spring flowers where there is so little moisture. The temperatures sound delightful!