Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jan 15 Titan Nuclear Missle base

The USA built 3 Nuclear missile bases during the cold war in the 1960's. Each base had 18 missiles and were programed to launch in under 30 minutes.  Only the President could give the order!
The idea was that they would never shoot first. If you had more power than your enemy, and they launched a missile at you, you shot back and totally destroyed them. Each missile would destroy an area of 27 sq miles.

Rose was super excited to see these signs that were every where.
1960 technology

picture of the missle , war head removed taken from the top of the silo

This sign was on the counter when you paid for your tickets.
Free gun storage while on site
Last year while in Texas they had no guns allowed signs on most of the stores and public businesses, we don't see any this year in Arizona

check out this website for better pictures and details

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Ohhhh - I thought Rose Ann was really interested in the variety of cacti (rather than the sign!)