Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jan 15 The Mexican Wall in Nogales AZ

This city is built on the border and is on both sides . The down town has a major car crossing and a pedestrian crossing. We walked trough the gate to go over and the customs to come back. I asked the US customs officer when the wall was built and with a smirk and a smile he said "not a wall a fence". The original wall was built in 1915-1918 and has always been there ever since.
Steady steam of people going back and forth. I imagine people work on both sides

the wall is made of steel slates , positioned so you can see between them

I am on the Mexican side , with the fence behind me.
Looked for a "make Mexico great again" hat but couldn't find one

Notice the fence cutting right through the city

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Fence is rather significant looking.