Monday, January 7, 2019

Jan 7 Amarilla Texas about 1000 klm

Left Rollo at 6:30 and arrived in Amarillo 11 hours later. The trip went well, Rose stayed in bed until about 8:00 and then got up and made breakfast. Stopped for gas mid morning, made lunch around noon, a short break in the afternoon and then the day was over.  Can't beat a motor home for not wasting time. Speed limit was 75 miles an hour, set the cruise at 65  and averaged about 60  miles an hour at the end of the day. 65 miles an hour equals about 110 klm per hour

When you leave Illinois the terrain of Missouri changes into more hills and rugged landscape.

Oklahoma  is wide open but more rolling hills than Illinois. This is cattle country

Oklahoma and Texas might be oil country but there are windmills everywhere. They stretch for miles and miles.

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