Thursday, January 26, 2023

Jan 26 Quartzite AZ

We have spent the last few days in Quartzite at the RV, Gem, and Craft show. 
Lots to see and a fun way to spend a few days

This monster of a unit was parked near us on the BLM. Most likely 75 feet long combined.

Down town there was a bank of 36 Tesla Chargers in one set up.
There were 6 being used when we happened to stop by.

Behind Rose is a camel constructed of roots and branches. Very cool piece of art. The camel is 
part of the Quartzite logo . I think it was in the 1930's  that they experimented with camels here
 to be used instead of pack horses. After a few years the experiment died out.

A lot of beautiful crafts on display. This is made from feathers, absolutely 

Same artist. All made from features , but I wasn't able to get a good picture
because of the glare on the glass.

This is all wood burning carving, on interesting shapes of wood.
Touched up with paint for color after.

Same artist

The skulls are cleaned by putting them in a container with some type of 
beetle. They clean off all of the flesh and cartilage. This process takes
approximately a month. Peroxide is used to whiten the bones.

Not sure who would collect these but they are all small animal skulls. Skunks, racoons,
squirrels, etc. They even had bat skeletons, mounted in picture frames

This would look cool on a patio. It holds 3 bottles of liquor and you just
open the tap to serve.


1 comment:

LR said...

Quite an interesting and unique (to me) variety of crafts on display!