Monday, January 9, 2023

Jan 8 Holbrooke AZ to Yuma AZ

 The drive from Holbrooke to Yuma is very interesting and varied. When you leave Holbrooke you are at 5000 feet , you climb to just over 8000 feet and then descend into Yuma that is actually at or  below sea level, depending upon where you are.

At 8000 feet there was complete snow cover at least a foot deep, and banks on the side of the highway 2 to 3 feet high.  People travel to this area to ski and snow shoe and there are snowmobile trails everywhere. I wasn't able to take any pictures as the sun had not come up yet.


Not sure of the elevation at this spot but a lot less snow than at the peak

Once you get to the lower elevations you start to travel through dairy country. These mega dairy farms have upwards to 10,000 milk cows. They are housed in open barns with just a roof. Each barn probably has a 100 to 200 head with barns all lined up beside each other. Because the water table has been depleted so badly over the years the wells to water these animals are drilled about 2500 feet deep.

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