Our day started off with cloud cover but good dry roads.
We had rain from Peterborough all the way to Windsor, but no snow so the traffic moved well and we arrived in Windsor on schedule. |
Caesars Casino in Windsor offers free overnight parking so it is always out first stop on our way south . The parking holds about 50 vehicles enclosed by a 6 foot high iron fence that gets locked every night. |
The main foyer as we entered the casino
A funny thing happened We puttered around the casino until around 9 pm. When we returned to the parking area they had closed and locked the gates so we had no way to get back to our RV. The gates are normally locked at midnight but for some reason they locked them early last night. Eventually we decided to walk the perimeter of the parking area in search of a way to get back to the RV. The parking lot wasn't level underneath the exit gate so there was a small opening under the exit gate about 10 inches high at one end so we crawled under the gate and made it back to the RV. The gate attendant had seen us crawling under the fence on the video when returned this morning, he apologized for the gate being closed early and we had a good chuckle. |
Good thing that you went easy on the turkey over the holidays!
I suppose finding one's way into a locked parking area is a useful skill to have!
Maybe the ability to open a locked door with a key was the most useful skill. I was waiting for some burly security guard to turn up with hand cuffs and charge us for break and enter.
I should have signed my name to the comment.
May be they looked at the amount of time it took for us to get up of the ground and they were so busy laughing they that they decided to enjoy the entertainment and forget about checking us out.
What would a night out be, if there wasn't an adventure attached to it
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