Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tuesday and Wednesday Jan 22 and 23 Port Aransas

Spent 2 days camped right on the beach beside the Gulf. Gypsy heaven in my book
Camping right on the beach. Bought an annual pass for $12.00.
Supposed to be for only 3 nights during any 21 days but some people had been there longer. 
Miles of sandy beach in both directions
Rose catching up on her knitting
We will not forget this place for a long time. Too perfect
On the second day we walked into town for lunch. This is a texas burger chain called whataburger.

Loved their burgers. They tasted just like you make at home. No sauces to cover up the taste.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

That looks like a great deal; you didn't need to worry about your neighbours being noisy!