Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tuesday Jan 16 Ice storm

Tuesday morning we woke up to 0 degrees and raining. We didn't think much about it so we went down town to discover that every thing was closed. We realized that we were parked across from the city offices so wandered over to inquire. What we learnt was really fascinating. They do not have any equipment , salt or sand to deal with ice as it only occurs every 2 or 3 years. We quickly discovered that we only think we can drive in ice and snow conditions. Not true unless we have salt or sand. The traffic was very light as all the businesses were closed , but the police forced the interstate traffic to one lane on the bridges. I believe this was to increase the traffic and help to keep the ice melted. The roads were not to bad but the bridges were glare ice. 

We decided to just hang out at the shopping center to get some walking in and pass the time. In the big mall, twice the size of a Bayshore, 95 % of the stores were closed , except for the 4 dept stores. 
Even the movie theater was closed.

The following morning it was minus 5 and sunny but the roads were still very icy , especially the bridges. The businesses didn't open until the afternoon when it finally warmed enough to melt the ice on the bridges.

This picture shows the amount of show we received over night. Not a lot but the puddles were frozen solid in the morning

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