Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Monday Jan 29 San Antonio

Beautiful downtown. Just a great place to hangout for a day. We visited the Alamo.
Official website  the Alamo. This is an historic site of a battle between the would be Texan residents and Mexico. The have restored the church and the surrounding walls and made it into a major tourist attraction.

It is interesting how much American's celebrate battles. They at so proud of always fighting with someone. Either outside forces or among them selves.  They are a nation the like to fight , maybe that is why there is so much violence here.

There is a 15 mile river walk that winds through the downtown. It is really an outstanding development. They have boats giving tours, and outdoor restaurants along the way, just a very interesting way to move about the downtown in a very relaxed setting. The River walk is connected to the huge down town shopping mall, the conference center and many of the down town office towers.

The San Antonio Riverwalk

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