Monday, January 29, 2018

Saturday Jan 27 King Ranch Kingsville

King Ranch is covers 825,000 , most of it in Texas with some in Florida.  
They developed the Santa Gertrudis, and Santa Cruz breeds of cattle on this ranch, as well as breeding quarter , and thorough bred horses. They are the largest cotton producers in Texas as well.

If you go through the website you will see all of their other enterprises and their history. The Ford King Ranch pickup truck is made under license with their name and Logo.

A Texas Longhorn
This board displays a copy of all of the branding irons used in Texas.
Every 10 years they have to be reregistered or you will loose the right to use them

At one time the ranch was pretty well self sufficient, this is a weaving loom where they made the saddle blankets.
. The wool was never died but they used different colors of wool to create the patterns.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I went to the website - quite a significant operation. Ellen's dad worked there for a few summers (when there was no bush logging going on - starting when he was 18.