Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 1 Stove Pipe Wells

We started our day with a 6 mile drive along movie road, it was the first day of rain we had since we started our holiday . The rain only amounted to a sprinkle but it was very windy and a bit cooler. Movie road is where all the western movies were filmed. 

After the tour of movie road we headed towards Stove Pipe Wells in Death Valley

Father John Crowley Vista Point 

This was an interesting drive. We went from 2500 feet to over 5000, back down to 1600,and then to 4600 before finishing the trip at sea level.

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Is 'movie road' in one of the 'free areas'(like our Crown Lands) or is it in an area owned by movie production companies, or ??

I guess one would need to pay attention to a road curving around mountains & rocks and also going up and down with that much change compared to sea level.