Thursday, February 7, 2019

Feb 7 University of California farm research station

We did a our of the University of California research farm. They have 5 farms like this around the state , this one only does work on desert farming. Since they only get 4-5 inches of rain per year all crops are grown with irrigation from the Colorado river. lake Mead has dropped over100 feet in the past century. Not only is this water used for crops it is the only source for the cities like San Diego and LosAngeles. This water is all transported in open ditches and canals. They claim that if you eat any fresh vegetables in Canada or the US during the winter it most likely came from this area. If that river ever dries up , as is slowly happening, Los Angeles resident's will not have water and the rest of the country will not have vegetables. It is also the larges dairy producing area in the US.
Something close to 90 percent of the workers cross the border from Mexico to work here, many of them daily. If Mr T closes the border we will have no food.

That is a ground owl . They burrow into the ground to make their homes
We were each given orange plastic bags that we could fill with vegetables. About 30 Lbs.
Carrots, beet, cauliflower, cabbage , lettuce chard, broccoli,onions, radishes etc
these were our bags of vegetables

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