Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Feb 11 Went to Mexico

Spent the day with David,Cynthia, Lou and Krista   in Los Algadones Mexico.

You park on the US side of the border and walk across to Los Algadones , there is always about a 2 hour line up to come back through customs, so as you are lined up there are always people trying to sell you water, trinkets or souvenirs. A Mexican fellow was trying to sell silver necklaces,( chains), as there is silver mined in the area.  I was chatting with him and was telling him that his prices were way to high.  As part of the conversation I asked him what he was going to do with all the money from selling his stuff that was priced to high. He laughed and said, "I going to pay for the wall".
Everyone got a good laugh from that.

Typical street scene.

While in line I met a lady from Ottawa , mid 70's and I think with some  signs Parkinson's. She was spending the winter in her Roadtec camper by herself travelling in the warm weather. Like most of the people who cross, she was there getting dental work done. She planned to return to Canada in April. I think that is when her 6 months would be up. When I questioned her about spending all that time alone she told me about a couple blog groups that she stays in touch with . They travel alone but get together when they want company . Amazing the number of single retires , both male and female
that we meet.

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