Saturday, February 2, 2019

Feb 2 Hiking arounjd Yuma

We enjoyed a nice quiet day, went for a 6 klm hike along the canal that brings the water from the Colorado River to the vegetable farms in the valley.

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a field of lemon trees that has been just been flooded, 2 days ago it was perfectly dry.  The land is so flat the water is the same depth all over
a field og cabbage, 1/3 of all the agricultural products fromArizona is produced in this area.

Robert Hummel from South Carolina and David Holt from Lynhurst On.
Robert travelled all the way to Washington for Trumps inauguration, and bought his hat that I am wearing  at the inauguration. He hadn't noticed before that it was made in China. LOL
Cynthia Holt and Rose 

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Are those trees/branches damaged from a storm?
How tall are the lemon trees, or how deep is the water? I'm assuming this is a managed flood.
Unfortunately your hat and sweatshirt don't 'go' together!