Sunday, February 25, 2018

Wed Feb 21 Old Fort Parker Museum Groesbec

Fort Parker

On May 19th 1836, a band of Indians came to Parker's Fort asking for beef, water and a place to camp. When greeted by the Parkers the Indians attacked, taking five captives! The most famous these was 9 year old Cynthia Ann Parker.  She was adopted by a Comanche family, grew up to marry Chief Peta Nocona and later gave birth to the last great Warrior Chief of the Comanches, Quanah Parker. 
The Texas Rangers later recaptured her , but by this time she could no longer speak English and never wanted to return to the white mans way of life.

This was the bases for the John Wayne movie  "Searchers"

Website      Old Fort Parker
It was a rainy cold miserable day so the pictures didn't turn out well. There were 7 cabins in side the stockade. Each were living quarters for one family.  One room with a fireplace.  The stockade was built with sharpened posts put 3 feet into the ground and 12 feet high with sharp pointed tops so it would be difficult to climb over.

They built these lookouts on 2 corners with holes in the walls to keep watch for the Indians and to shoot through. 

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