Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Feb 2 Innerspace Caverns and Rudy's

 Inner Space Cavern

Inner Space cavern was discovered by a Texas Highway Department core drilling team in the Spring of 1963. Six inch core samples were taken to determine if the ground was stable enough to support a large highway overpass. As they were drilling one of the test holes, the bit suddenly dropped 26ft. and the highway crew knew there was something down there besides rock. The Texas Speleological Society secured permission to enter and explore the dark reaches of the newly discovered cave.

Within the next several days, over 7,000 feet of cave had been surveyed. The passages varied from very tight crawls to large cathedral-type rooms and halls. For the most part the cave was easy going except for a few tight tunnels and the sticky mud that exists in all parts of the cave.
Inner Space was opened to the public in the summer of 1966, and since that time hundreds of thousands of visitors have seen this beautiful cave.

Visit the website to learn the complete storey

Stactalites  grow on average about 1 cubic inch per 100 years.

Rudy's Country Store and BBQ

We went to this Texan restaurant for supper. Texans are very big on BBQ and they do it real well. Real simple and tasty.  This one has bbq pits that are 100% wood fired with oak, a slower burning wood than the mesquite used by others. They also cook with a dry spice instead of a sauce.

Very limited menu but real good. When you order the meat part you order it  by the lb, any amount you want.

This place was lined up. 

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