Sunday, February 4, 2018

Thursday Feb 1 George H Bush Museum and Library

Stopped at Blue Bell Ice cream plant in Brenham. Saw some of the production area. This is a very popular local brand , but is now producing in many of the lower states. In business since 1905
Their first delivery truck with ice boxes built in

George H Bush ( Sr)Museum and Library

Very interesting museum. Tells his history from childhood until after his retirement. Brian Mulroney got at least two mentions. One as a personal friend and also as a world leader.

Both Jimmy Carter's and this one project their efforts to be good people not just as a president but as a family and a human being. I cannot wait to see how they will construct Donald Trump as a kind , peace promoting , family man.
On the other hand the truth is not very important to him so he might be able to do it.

George Bush sr Museum website
The actual website is down

Having a chat with the lad. Couldn't get much of a conversation going
Rose sitting in the oval office. 

There was a huge display of  gifts that he received while in office from many world leaders, as well as from American people or organizations. This is a one of a kind wooden fishing tackle box. If you enlarge the picture you will see the carvings on each of the drawers. Outstanding details.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

A couple of 'keeper' photos there!