Los Algadonas in a town of about 2500 residents with 750 dentists and a whole lot of optometrists. Hundreds of people go there every day to get dental work done and eye glasses. Upper dentures are about $500.00 and are completed in 24 Hours. Eye glasses are $125 to $150 and competed in one hour.
My dentures had become loose so I got the relined for $150.00
Everyone parks on the US side of the border and walks across. The Famous Trump/ Mexican wall runs right through the town.
The wall at the border crossing |
A section of the wall |
The wall construction |
Enjoying a margarita while my dentures were being fixed |
In every tourist trap there are always lots of t shirts for sale. They had the same one for Biden as well. |
I love Los Algodones and their funny t-shirts
Everyone holidays better with their teeth and eyes looked after!! Neither my dentist nor optometrist has nearby drinks while I wait! Nice pic of the two of you.
Great photo of you both. Will Trump finish the wall when he becomes president again lol
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